2019 – Changes Pending

The Printer Potty site has been neglected over the last few years as we focused on the physical product, instructions and getting more printers supported.

Unfortunately that meant that the pictures, product info, etc.. have gotten a bit “tired” so we’re looking to update it all and make the whole thing much more useful for anyone who has no idea what a Printer Potty is, much less what it does.

Key Points:

  • Resellers
    We’re looking forward to adding a North American distributor and reseller in early 2019 which will undoubtedly make a lot of American and Canadian customers happy.
  • “Pick a Potty” update
    Getting our compatibility data updated.
  • WICReset Keys
    Making WICReset keys available to purchase directly from the Printer Potty site.


You can follow progress in a number of ways so choose the one most appropriate to you.

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